Monday, May 6, 2013

April 20, 2013

Sister Bly picked me up at 8:10 and we got to the storehouse at about 8:30.

After group prayer, Sister Stringam taught me how to check the produce/vegetables and how to take the ones that were dirty or wet to the produce room and take care of them so they were suitable to give out. I really am grateful to have learned that, as I didn't know anything about it before.

I then topped off some shelves and then Sister Bly taught me how to the documenting of patrons and specific things in the various food orders, as well as keeping track of specific products that were used.

I then got pictures with Elder and Sister Stringam since it's the last Saturday of their mission:
 Elder and Sister Stringam, I will miss you both!

I then got boxes of food from the warehouse and stocked a few shelves. A little while later, I helped a patron with a large order that took several carts, but I made them laugh and feel comfortable about being there; it's always important to do that since that IS what Christ did and will always do. I also helped them to their car.

At the end of the morning, Sister Bly taught me some more paperwork; namely, recording how much of certain products were used that day.

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