Sunday, August 4, 2013

July 27, 2013

Today, I worked with Elder Graves, Sister Graves, and Elder LeFeuvre since Sister Pilling, Elder Kearl, and Sister Kearl all took the day off to go enjoy Magrath Days with their familes. I insisted on getting pictures with Elder Graves, Sister Graves, and Elder LeFeuvre in case we didn't work together again for the rest of my mission. Every missionary, no matter what type of service, deserves to have their own mission pictures!

I emptied the humidifier and then, after group prayer, I stocked the depleted bottom shelves and then I topped off all the top shelves so they would look nice when patrons came into the storehouse.

While we waited for patrons to come in, Elder Graves, Sister Graves, Elder LeFeuvre, and I chatted while we stocked the shelves and we all got along splendidly. When patrons did come in, I marveled (and probably will for the rest of my mission) at how much joy the patrons expressed when they received help in the way of temporal food and spiritual food.

Such joy is even more noticeable when they are helped to feel comfortable, safe, and like their true selves: valuable children of God with limitless eternal worth and potential thanks to the Atonement of Christ.

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